Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Heading to Las Vegas and DefCon

In a couple of days I'll be off to DefCon 17 in Las Vegas, NV. If you aren't sure what DefCon is, it's a hacker conference. I attended my first DefCon in 2007. Got hooked, and I'll try and hit everyone in the future. This year appears to be chocked full of fabulous talks. Since it is Black Hat/DefCon time (both events held in Vegas), there will be a ton of news coming out this week. I'll try and have one more post before I head out.

Here is a reminder to all my friends who use the Windows operating system, today Microsoft will be releasing a patch which is out-of-band which means, it is not the normal second Tuesday Pat Tuesday patch. MS has patches released on the second Tuesday of every month. Only when a serious security issue arises, do they have these out-of-band pathces. So, make sure your Windows box gets it's updates tonight when you get home.

Take care and stay safe. Have a fabulous Tuesday.

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