Saturday, June 20, 2009

Twitter Followers Lead to Porn

Here is the example of Twitter and the dangers that lie waiting in the Twitter world. Twitter, if you don't know, is a micro blogging site where you can post what you are doing in 140 characters or less. People can then follow what you do. Well since I'm in computer security, I follow several in the field of computer security. I logged on Saturday night, and noticed I had an additional follower. A closer look at this follower turned up interesting results.

First, here is the screen on Twitter showing who follows me. I see that this Ana Torres is following me. See the screen shot below.

So I clicked on the link on Ana's name. Here is what I saw.

Here you see that Ana states that if I want to see her pictures, I can click on the tinyurl listed above. So the curious guy that I am, I decided to check to see where that tinyurl led me to before actually going there. (Notice it says I must register first please, to see her pictures).

I did a preview of the tinyurl and found what the true url behind that tinyurl. I took that address and ran it through and found that the true web site behind the tinyurl is actually a porn site.

So be careful out there. Don't just click randomly on these url's trusting someone you do not know. In the next few days, Twitter will catch up with this follower of mine and they will be removed. So be aware that hot girls will not follow you if you are a computer security professional. LOL. Or any other type of Twitterer you are.

Have a great Sunday and stay safe.

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